Wigmore has been granted Charitable status.

At the 2019 AGM, members voted for Wigmore to apply to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). We are pleased to announce that our application was submitted last week and was accepted in fairly record timing - just two days! Wigmore Lawn Tennis Club is now a registered charity and will de-register as a community amateur sports club.

As a CIO, we are now a legally recognised entity, which allows us to enter into contracts more easily and prevents members from potentially being financially liable should the club ever be sued. Importantly, it also allows us to move the ownership of the freehold/property over to the Charity to better safeguard it for the future.

Apart from the reasons listed above, becoming a charity allows us to fund-raise and apply for grants previously not available to us.

This is still early days and we have to explore the options available to us. However, members can help us to raise money by shopping on the internet! Yes, by shopping on the internet. If you sign up to easyfundraising.com and select Wigmore Lawn Tennis Club as your cause or use this link https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/wigmoreltc/ any money spent through any of the shopping sites listed will raise money for the club. We will get a percentage of your spend, a small percentage but every penny counts. Also, you are able to Gift Aid to Wigmore too. Our charity number is 1183759. We will update you when we find other ways to raise money.

The Club’s Trustees are:

Ex-Officio Trustees: Doris Ko; Peter Thomson-Glover; Andrew Callus; & Louise McKerchar

Executive Trustees: Sarah O’Dwyer; Patrick Moon; & Richard Rotti

Non-Executive Trustees: James Quinn; Geoffrey Sprenger; & Philip Duckworth

The Club’s management Committee for 2019-2020 are the four ex-officio Trustees, the 3 executive Trustees, plus President Grant Freeman, Keith Beer, Antonia Hawken, Stephen Clark, Cat Hirst, with Joe&Scott coaching as non-voting members.

Wigmore Tennis